Prayer Schedule

Saturday, December 21, 2024
19 Jumada Al-Thani 1446

Starts Iqamah
Fajr1 6:09 6:45
Zuhr 12:35 2:00
Asr 3:14 4:15
Maghrib 5:36
Isha 6:56 7:30
1. Fajr ends at 7:37
2. Jum'ah Prayer Schedules as follows::
* 1st Jum'ah Prayer 2:00pm
* 2nd Jum'ah Prayer 2:45pm

Sunday, December 22, 2024
20 Jumada Al-Thani 1446

Starts Iqamah
Fajr1 6:09 6:45
Zuhr 12:36 2:00
Asr 3:14 4:15
Maghrib 5:37
Isha 6:57 7:30
1. Fajr ends at 7:38
2. Jum'ah Prayer Schedules as follows::
* 1st Jum'ah Prayer 2:00pm
* 2nd Jum'ah Prayer 2:45pm

Masjid Omar Bin Abdul Aziz

955 Harbins Road
Lilburn, GA 30047
(770) 279-8606

Zakat Request Form

  • Please complete the form in its entirety with all required information
  • Please ensure you hit 'Submit'.
  • Successful submission will return the message 'Alhamdulillah- Your form has been submitted successfully!'

Masjid Omar Bin Abdul Aziz has been blessed with the ability to help families in need when Zakat funds become available.  To request Zakat, please complete the below form in its entirety.  Incomplete forms will not be considered.  If you have any questions or to follow-up on your request, please send a text message to 770-279-8606.

  • This form is only for consideration of Zakat and does not guarantee that assistance will be provided.
  • A member of our team will contact you when funds become available or if additional information is required.

All information submitted will be kept strictly confidential. 

Please write a check to “Masjid Omar” and either put it within a donation box at the masjid or mail it to:

Masjid Omar Bin Abdul Aziz
955 Harbins Road
Lilburn, GA 30047

And the servants of (Allah) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace!";

Qur'an 25:63

You may also listen previous tafseer here